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Lett og dyp rengjøring med organisk kokosnøtt ekstrakt og eksotisk varm vanilje duft for den tropiske stemningen. Organisk aloe vera juice fukter for et vidunderlig myk hud følelse. Trenger lite av denne såpen om gangen. 



Inneholder: Demineralisert vann, Mild sulfat av forsepet biologisk kokos, glukose av hvete/mais og betain fra kokosolje, Kokos/reddikferment, Veg.Glyserin, *Broccolifrøolje, Himalayasalt, vaniljetinktur, Vinsyre, Guarmel, Xantan gum, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf juice, *Rosmarinolje, Geraniumolje, Ylang Ylangolje. *= Økologisk
(Geraniol, citronellol, linalool, citral og limonen fra eteriske oljer)

Go Dursj 125 ml

kr 135,00Pris
  • Easy and deep cleaning with organic coconut extract and exotic warm vanilla scent for the tropical atmosphere. Organic aloe vera juice moisturizes for a wonderfully soft skin feeling. Need little of this soap at a time.



    Contains Demineralized water, Mild sulfate of saponified biological coconut, the glucose of wheat/corn and betaine from coconut oil, Coconut/radish ferment, Veg. Glycerin, * Broccoli seed oil, Himalayan salt, vanilla tincture, Tartaric acid, Carmel, Xanthan gum, Aloe Barbad, Aloe Barbad Rosemary oil, Geranium oil, Ylang Ylang oil. * = Organic
    (Geraniol, citronellol, linalool, citral, and limonene from essential oils)

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