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There has been a great influx of wandering people who contact me during this time to learn more about the body according to emotions and experiences and what role our body has to convey to us about what is going on. Many get a direct answer to what needs redemption through contact with our unique temple, namely our body.

Most of us experience old diseases coming back, and this is especially true in this new age. What can we do to respond to all these traumas, phobias, pains, and illnesses?

In articles on my website, I will post more in-depth information about the body in the future and at the same time convey about all we humans are created into and which we are now also about to drastically change in this new age. If you also want to receive news emails from us, you can register here: Today I want to convey more about the urinary tract system as many who have struggled with this before, now get this again:

The fluids in the body correspond to our emotions, so the urinary tract system keeps the emotions in balance by extracting those that are negative or no longer needed.

If the feelings are not separated, one would quickly drown in one's negativity! Urinary tract infections often occur when conditions begin to unravel, when there are floods of negative or conflicting emotions that accumulate but are difficult to express, or when one's independence or individuality is threatened, such as when one feels pressured to follow the flow.

The solar plexus chakra is energetically located in the spine behind the navel and connected to the power center of the diaphragm and the adrenal glands. The chakra has the color yellow and this is where the process of individualization begins, the development of the ego, self-awareness, and personal power. This is where you gather information and digest your world, this is where you feel fear, rage, or the need for control.

We have two kidneys and two adrenal glands sitting on top of these, and their job is to maintain the balance between water and minerals, the acid/base content in the blood, and act as a filter for unwanted substances by deciding what is good and useful, and what is toxic or destructive. This is an important mixture of opposites that are symbolized by the two kidneys in relation to each other. Problems here are especially associated with relationships, either an imbalance in your relationship with others, especially your partner, or an imbalance between the masculine and the feminine energies in yourself.

When the solar plexus chakra is underdeveloped, it gives rise to a false sense of power, with illusions of grandeur overshadowing perceptual ability. It includes a fear of power or authority, of being intimidated, of fear of trusting others, or of fear of responsibility. You have a weakened sense of self, you require being told what to do, or need the authority to act, instead of being able to take the initiative yourself. This bad self-image can also manifest itself as an urge to dominate others.

The solar plexus area has a tremendous amount of energy, which gives purpose and direction to life when used positively. This is the energy we find in, for example, artists, athletes, leaders, teachers, and those who want to go up and down. This is also where the seat of intuition lies, where a gut feeling arises. If you meditate light and power into the solar plexus regularly, you will notice major positive changes and awareness can become a very safe and good foundation for you further in an otherwise chaotically growing and insecure world. You will learn how to take good care of yourself in a larger world and what it is you need without having to put more effort into it, as it keeps focusing on filling you with light and love in this chakra. Since we know that light and love are highly vibrating, all negativity will have the opportunity to be met and "melt" away.

You can be sure that you have carried out a regular "cleaning" with replenishment of positive and vital force that will also give the whole body a boost and the excretory organs get high energy to clean all waste products that may be present.

You will find meditation to fill light in all chakras here:

This process of becoming one's individual is also about finding one's inner power. It is not a power over others, but your authority and emotional strength. An open third chakra filled with good power, enables you to have a healthy, positive, and confident feeling of yourself without having to exercise control over others.

Some questions you can ask yourself:

- are you overcritical and dominant, or are you trying to control others?

- are you afraid of authorities, or do you not trust anyone?

- do you struggle with self-respect?

- can you make contact with an inner point of personal power that you do not have to impose on others?

The kidneys participate in the production of red blood cells, indicating their participation in creating love throughout your being. But they are also about setting free and letting go of something, especially negative emotions, and this is most evident when relationships are about to be broken. Such a separation causes imbalance, and also an abundance of negative, confused, and insecure feelings. When the kidneys cause problems, it is crucial to find ways to release emotions, even if it means loosening a pillow. By letting the negative get in the way, the flow of love can be restored. But always remember to never let your negative feelings go beyond someone, take responsibility, and show love as far as possible otherwise you build up the opposite of love for yourself and also others.

We then create negative karma by not taking personal responsibility for our feelings and by letting them affect others.

In Chinese medicine, the kidneys are said to be the site of fear, mainly because the adrenal glands secrete adrenaline in the body in response to arousal, anger, panic, and stress. The kidneys respond to fear, and unspoken grief and loss. Fear motivates you to action or immobilizes you so you can not do anything. We see this from the important connection between the kidneys and the joints. Just as the joints give you the ability to express yourself, the kidneys release what is no longer needed. Uric acid is normally excreted by the kidneys, but if it is not excreted, it can build up in the joints, as with gout, which causes painful swelling and immobility.

Podagra especially affects the toes, which means fear of what lies ahead.

If your kidneys have bothered you, you should ask the following questions.

- do you need to develop more balance in life?

- can you let go of previous problems?

- are you aware of your problems?

- Have you released your feelings or are you holding them back?

- Do you suppress or hold on to negative emotions, such as fear, anger, resentment, or bitterness?

- Is fear a dominant issue in your life?

- are you worried or anxious about something or someone?

- Do you panic easily?

Kidney stones are dense substances such as uric acid and minerals, which usually disappear with the urine, which begin to be excreted and slowly gain more texture, much like a snowball, until small stones are formed which are extremely painful to remove.

Densified mass represents condensed thought patterns and emotions, especially those that have gone into a solid form. They should be released and released, but instead, they are held tight so they can grow. This is a block of energy, associated with the questions mentioned above; relationships, sadness, loss, negative emotions, and fear.

The bladder is a bag the size of a grapefruit, a storage place for fluid retention before it is sent out. One of its most important properties is the ability to adapt, expand and then shrink in step with the amount of urine that passes through. In this way, it indicates your ability to adapt to the circumstances instead of getting stuck in the old psychoemotional patterns.

If you have problems expanding internally, you may find that you have problems, such as frequent urination when the pressure builds up in the bladder. In men, this may be due to an enlarged prostate gland that puts pressure on the bladder. In women, it may be due to the hormonal changes after menopause. In both men and women, it can be due to too much coffee or alcohol, stress or fear, or an overload of emotions that causes the emotions to overflow. There are also signs that one does not want to deal with deeper emotions. They are excreted quickly so that they do not have any unwanted effect.

Frequent urination means an inability to adapt to different circumstances or to open up to new experiences. It can also be a way to avoid interaction since you always have an excuse for not being able to participate.

Since incontinence is a result of a muscle function having broken down or been impaired, it involves a tendency to mental weakness, an inability to concentrate energy, a feeling of hopelessness, or inner collapse. Since one is no longer able to adapt to different circumstances psychologically or emotionally, one gives in instead, especially for grief, loss, or fear.

Incontinence indicates the inability to control emotions so that they flow out continuously and incessantly. Or there may be a feeling of being powerless as if one is a helpless victim and can not do anything for oneself. This can happen when you feel abandoned, isolated, and have lost control of your situation. Many elderly people who lose their control by, for example, having to move to a retirement home or anxiety to become so, experience just this.

Many different circumstances can contribute to causing urinary tract infections such as tight nylon underwear, pregnancy, obesity, abdominal deodorants, intercourse, abuse, or too much pressure on the bladder so that the flow is limited. An infection makes urination painful and difficult due to the itchy inflamed tissue. The body indicates that the emotions are also inflamed. It indicates a buildup of restrained negative emotions, you are simply pissed!

Most cases of cystitis occur during periods of great emotional change, such as separation from a partner, job, friendship, or break up with family. During such periods, numerous conflicting questions may arise at once; fear of being alone, of becoming single, and of going from independence to independence. A urinary tract infection makes it painful and difficult to urinate, just as it is painful and difficult to let go of these feelings.

Questions you may want to ask:

- what angry and annoying feelings are being suppressed in you?

- what is it that makes you so pissed?

- can you find a way to release trapped emotions by talking to a supervisor or friend?

- does deep sadness or fear emerge?

- do you feel scared or overwhelmed by intimacy?

- what assistance do you need to be able to release these feelings?

It is often easier to blame or get annoyed with others when you fear that you need to take ownership. Most often this does not go so well for the sake of redemption, and you are left more alone with the real problem.

Good advice for self-help is to drink plenty of water and imagine that you rinse all these emotions free from the body, you can shout or hit pillows to get out these negative emotions.

It is easiest to meditate light in all chakras as everything is connected. Then you are confident that an action will take place and that it will be released. Repeat every day to fill up the chakra as it becomes like peeling an onion, layer by layer until you get to the core of the problem.

Bedwetting indicates an unconscious need to express confused or upset feelings. Since the condition most often occurs in children, it is usually due to emotional pressure from family, friends, or school. Perhaps the child has experienced divorce, physical or psychoemotional abuse, constant teasing, bullying, academic failure, or other trauma.

Bedwetting is a cry for help. It is a reaction similar to crying, a trigger of inner feelings, but much more uncontrollable and unconscious. Since it happens at night, it's like a hidden secret, a dark pain. Perhaps there is a deep sadness, guilt or shame, or an unacceptable need to cry, perhaps due to fear of a reaction from the parents. There is a strong desire for love, to be reassured, for security, and for emotional security. It may be that the child is not aware of how deep and strong his or her feelings are, or simply that no place feels safe enough to let them out. It is very important to help the child talk about their feelings, perhaps with a counselor or friend.

It is also professional help to get from me as a therapist as to carry out:

The adrenal glands have a similar role in maintaining balance as the kidneys. The adrenal glands are also the place where adrenaline and other hormones are secreted as a reaction to the excitement, passion, or fear, or when stress increases and activates the "fight or flight reaction". This can happen when there is a real danger on the way, but it can just as easily happen when it is just a matter of building up tension. You feel that you do not master the situation, the pressure is too great. You fear that the responsibility will increase. And you lose the feeling of inner balance, the adrenal glands secrete even more adrenaline, and the whole body is put on alert.

The stress reaction tells the body to get ready to fight the situation or escape from it, even if none of the reactions are suitable, such as when you are stuck in traffic and trying to deal with a furious customer. If the adrenal glands are activated continuously, due to ongoing stressful situations or fear, it will put extra strain on related organs so that there is increased fatigue, muscle aches and immunity, and digestive problems.

The fact that we have two adrenal glands implies a need for balance. Without this balance, we can build up too much fear and irritating anxiety. We can push ourselves too hard and incur related ailments. Balance is the keyword here, balance between the inner and the outer, and an emotional balance in ourselves.

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